CSO FIELD REFERENCE GUIDE Information Sources Hewlett-Packard Company Computer Systems Organization -- Worldwide Channel Communications January, 1992 Source: Auto Answer Phone Service Target audience: For CSO sales force Frequency: System available daily, information update schedule to be determined Description: Auto Answer Phone Service (AAPS) provides HP sales reps with concise competitive news reports and HP strategy presentations. Current competitive news reports look at: IBM, DEC, SUN Microsystems, Sequent Technology, Pyramid, and NCR. HP strategy presentations include: Open Systems, NewWave Computing, NewWave Office, Information Management, Networking, and the HP 3000 and 9000. For more information on AAPS contact Dianne Brodie/HP6650 via HP Desk. Format/access: Electronic via telephone Accessing AAPS requires a password, which is changed bimonthly. To receive the password contact the Sales Response Center by phoning 408 or Telnet 447-4444 or send a message to HP Desk Competitive Hotline/HP6650/HL, subject: `AAPSPW'. Step 1: To access AAPS information telephone Telnet 447-3998. Listen to the greeting and enter the AAPS password when prompted. Step 2: Select the main menu choice you desire by entering the appropriate number when prompted. Source: CompuServe (TM) Target audience: For CSO sales force and customers Frequency: On-line system available daily, updated daily Description: CompuServe is an electronic information service that is divided into forums, which are dedicated to a special interest. The public HP Forum on CompuServe provides support materials, such as, printer drivers for customers to download and technical responses to customer questions in an interactive format on PCs, peripherals, and systems. Access to HP SupportLine on CompuServe requires a support contract. CompuServe is fee based for the user. Costs are determined by the length of connect time per month. For more information phone 1-800-848-8199. Format/access: Electronic via CompuServe database Accessing CompuServe requires a CompuServe membership, PC with modem, and a communications software package. To obtain a CompuServe free introductory membership package, which includes a CompuServe brochure and password, call 1- 800-848-8199 and ask for `Representative 51'. Representative 51 is a code word for the service representative and indicates that the caller has been referred to CompuServe by HP. To access the HP Forum, log on to CompuServe and type GO HPPER for the HP Peripherals Forum or GO HPSYS for the HP Systems Forum. Source: Computer News Target audience: For CSO sales force Frequency: Bimonthly Description: Computer News (CN) helps the HP field sell solutions by organizing, summarizing, and highlighting information about new products and marketing news. The `ProMotions' insert appears in the first of the month CN issue. It contains brief information about promotions currently listed in the Order Processing Field Document. The `CSO Consolidated Hotline Index' insert appears in the fifteenth of the month CN issue. The index provides readers with a one-stop resource to information available on all CSO hotlines targeted to the field. A six-month index of the `Table of Contents' and `Product Index' is published biannually. For information about CN contact Marianne Seidler/HP6650 via HP Desk. Format/access: Hard copy, electronic via Direct Information Access Network (DIANE) system and InfoROM compact disc To add your name to the distribution list of CN send an HP Desk message to Worldwide Roster/HP0000/53. To receive an individual logon string: o In Europe, contact the MSIS team at HPSA Geneva, Marketing and Sales Information Services, phone: 22-7808132 or 22-7808135, telex: 419019, telefax: 22-7808542 or via HP Desk: HPSA INFO-DISPATCH/HP1300/02 o In the U.S., contact Debbie Yoshida, DIANE system administrator, at 408 or Telnet 865-6471 or send a message to DIANE ADMIN/HP5050 via HP Desk To order InfoROM, use the order form found in the InfoROM Autoinfo, subject: "US ORDER" for the Americas and Asia Pacific, subject: "EURORDER" for Europe. There is $50 charge for the set-up kit, and a subscription charge of $200 per year in the Americas and Asia Pacific, $648 per year in Europe. For more information contact Kim Kreutzer at 408 or Telnet 691-5376. Source: CSO Consolidated Hotline Index Target audience: For CSO sales force Frequency: Index runs as an insert in the 15th of the month issue of Computer News Description: The `CSO Consolidated Hotline Index' provides a one-stop resource for information available on CSO hotlines targeted to the field. The index is organized by subject and includes directions on how to order hotline files. Hotlines currently listed are: o Competitive Hotline o Computer Systems Hotline o CSY HP3000 Hotline o Current News Hotline o Customer Support Hotline o Field Training Hotline o GSY Hotline o HP 1000 Hotline o IM Hotline o ITE-Net Hotline o MFA Hotline o Network Hotline o NewWave Office Hotline o Panacom Hotline o Performance Hotline o Periph Hotline o Peripherals Info o PWD Hotline o Slide Hotline o Workstation Group Hotline For more information contact Sally Oliver/HP6650 via HP Desk or phone 408 or Telnet 447-1680. Format/access: Hard copy To add your name to the distribution list of Computer News send an HP Desk message to Worldwide Roster/HP0000/53. Source: Current News Bulletin Target audience: For CSO sales force Frequency: As needed Description: This electronic bulletin sends out time- sensitive information that cannot wait for the two week lead time of Computer News article submission. Topics covered include major product enhancements, price changes, and competitive information. For more information contact Sally Oliver/HP6650 via HP Desk or phone 408 or Telnet 447-1680. Format/access: Electronic via HP Desk Distributed to CSO field based on job/ specialty codes selected on the Worldwide Roster System Update Forum; factory personnel can be added to the distribution list by selecting the 'UDM' pub code on a 'Worldwide Roster System Update Form.' For Roster information, contact Cindy Hammell by phoning 408 or Telnet 534-5625. Source: Customer Support News Target audience: For Systems Support Organization, Professional Support Organization, and Repair Center Operations, test and measurement and computer and peripherals systems Customer Engineers (CEs) and Systems Engineers (SEs) Frequency: Monthly Description: Newsletter includes new product information, product revisions/updates, support strategies, training, and troubleshooting tips for CEs and SEs. For more information contact Karen Herlth/HP5000 via HP Desk. Format/access: Hard-copy, electronic via InfoROM compact disc and Knowledge Data Base (KDB) To receive a hard copy of the newsletter send an HP Desk message to Worldwide Roster/HP0000/53 and reference Roster publication code CSN. To order InfoROM, use the order form found in the InfoROM Autoinfo, subject: "US ORDER" for the Americas and Asia Pacific, subject: "EURORDER" for Europe. There is $50 charge for the set-up kit, and a subscription charge of $200 per year in the Americas and Asia Pacific, $648 per year in Europe. For more information contact Kim Kreutzer at 408 or Telnet 691-5376. To access KDB send an HP Desk message to KDB ADMIN/HP5003 or phone the KDB Hotline at Telnet 691-3945. Source: DIANE Target audience: For CSO community Frequency: Online system available daily, with content updates as appropriate Description: The Direct Information Access Network (DIANE) database system contains sales and marketing information with on-line, full-text retrieval capabilities as well as downloadable file capabilities. DIANE information includes: o proposal boiler-plate text, graphics, writing guidelines, and synopses o press abstracts from Datastar and Predicast databases o ad-hoc press clippings from Europe o market studies from the European MRIC o Computer News o benchmarking and competitive information, software catalogs from the European marketing center o sales promotion information from European and Country sales support administration organizations o sales training from the European sales training group o finance and remarketing information from the European Finance and Remarketing Group For more information in Europe contact Angelo Carlessi/HP1300; in the U.S. contact Laura Rafferty/HP5050 via HP Desk. Format/access: Electronic; available to terminal, PC, and workstation users via both X.25 and Internet (TCP/IP) networks To receive an individual logon string: o In Europe, contact the MSIS team at HPSA Geneva, Marketing and Sales Information Services, phone: 22-7808132 or 22-7808135, telex: 419019, telefax: 22-7808542 or via HP Desk: HPSA INFO-DISPATCH/HP1300/02 o In the U.S., contact Debbie Yoshida, DIANE system administrator, at 408 or Telnet 865-6471 or send a message to DIANE ADMIN/HP5050 via HP Desk Source: EDO Technotes Target audience: For CSO sales support personnel, customer support personnel, technical support managers, Electronic Design Operation (EDO), Technical Support Engineers (TSE), and internal customers Frequency: Monthly Description: Technical information (technical problems or fixes, informative support calls) pertaining to EDO products that is of a timely or critical nature. Articles are gathered primarily from TSEs. Field SEs, response center engineers, and internal customers also contribute to the publication. For more information contact Doug Linthicum/HP0800 via HP Desk. Format/access: Electronic via HP Desk and UNIX (R) `Notes' To receive a copy of the newsletter contact Doug Linthicum/HP0800 via HP Desk. To access the Notes electronic bulletin board on your UNIX operating system contact your local system administrator. (See `HP-factory' listing under Notes.) Source: EDO Update Target audience: For CSO sales force, sales engineers, field engineers, marketing centers Frequency: Monthly Description: Newsletter provides information on the Electronic Design Operation's Electronic Design Automation Software (HP Design Capture System, HP Design Verification System, HP Printed Circuit Design System, HP Programmable Logic Device Design System, and HP Engineering Graphic System). Contents of the newsletter include: sales and marketing strategies, product release schedules, product training, success stories, and technical and laboratory information. Product obsolescences and VAB information are also included. For more information contact Debbie Kalin/HP4006 via HP Desk. Format/access: Electronic via HP Desk Source: Field Subscription Service Catalog Target audience: For HP internal subscribers Frequency: Catalog is currently updated twice a year Description: For the U.S., Asia Pacific, Canada, and Latin America only. Catalog references all valid internal subscription services and their part/service structures. Requires service contract 5958-7324. Products covered in catalog include: HP 1000, 3000, and 9000, HP Apollo 9000, HP Vectra PC, and selected test and measurement products. For more information contact the Software Replication and Distribution Operation Field Information Center at 415 or Telnet 960-5800. Format/access: Hard copy To receive a copy of the catalog: o If you are part of an HP division contact your Software Replication Distribution Operation contract administrator o If you are part of the field contact your contract administrator Source: HP FIRST (Fax Information Retrieval Support Technology) Target audience: For CSO sales force, dealers, value-added businesses, and customers Frequency: Updated as appropriate Description: HP FIRST (Fax Information Retrieval Support Technology) provides users with hard-copy information. Sales support materials include: application notes, product data sheets, software/hardware compatibility information, driver request forms/information, material safety data sheets, upgrade forms and more. An index is available to help locate document ID numbers. For more information or to include your documents or literature on HP FIRST contact Tami Little/HP4600 via HP Desk. Format/access: Electronic via fax machine Service direct from fax with Group 3 compatibility. Step 1: To receive literature Dial 1-208-344-4809 from your fax handset. Step 2: At the prompt select the information you wish to receive (PCs and Peripherals, Service Parts Listings, Computer Systems, Test & Measurement products). Step 3: After making your selection you will be asked if you would like an index of the current listings. If your answer is yes, you will be given the option of entering a specific number or calling back after you have had a chance to review the index. If your answer is no, you will be prompted for the publication number of the item you wish to order. Step 4: HP FIRST will transmit the item requested. Source: HP 1000 Update Kit Target audience: For HP 1000 sales reps, CSO sales force Frequency: Quarterly Description: For the U.S. only. Literature package includes HP 1000 new product data sheets, product update and enhancement information, slides and more. For more information contact David Fastenau/HPG200 via HP Desk. Format/access: Hard copy, 8 1/2- by 11-inch envelope Source: HP Order History Database on Express Target audience: For CSO sales force and sales personnel who need order history Frequency: Online system available daily, contents are updated weekly Description: This database was created to provide up-to- date trade order data. An extensive menu interface makes it easy to extract order history information and create reports. Data listed includes information regarding: the product, sales organization, customer, order information, agreements, channels, and database variables (for example, net quota dollars and discount percent). Information can be reported by day, month, quarter, and year. The source for this database is primarily the `Detail Order Records.' Five fiscal years plus the current fiscal year of orders are typically on the database. For more information phone the WIN Express Hotline at 415 or Telnet 857-3042. Format/access: Electronic, available to terminal and PC users via an X.25 PAD access To access the system, phone the Worldwide Marketing Information Network (WIN) Customer Service Hotline and select the appropriate WIN product group after dialing 415 or Telnet 857-3042. Telephone hotline hours are 8 to 11 am and 1 to 4 pm (Pacific standard time). You may also send an HP Desk message to EXPRESS SUPPORT/HP0000/54 to receive database access information. Source: HPTV Network Target audience: For HP employees Frequency: Monthly Description: This newsletter is a TV guide for HPTV Communications Network. HPTV is an in- house service organization that provides media communication solutions including: videos, video duplication and distribution, telecasts, interactive media, event support, and audio tapes. HPTV Network lists available videos that are orderable through HPTV. For more information contact HPTV Communications Network at 415 or Telnet 857-HPTV. Format/access: Hard copy To receive a copy of the newsletter send an HP Desk message to Worldwide Roster/HP0000/53. Source: InfoROM Target audience: For Professional Services Organization, System Support Organization Frequency: Monthly Description: InfoROM is a compact disc subscription service that contains `Internal Use Only' information for HP field sales and support personnel currently received in print or via HP Desk. Content typically includes: o Account Management/Problem Resolution Answerback o Archive sales information o Computer News o Computer Systems Migration Bulletin o Computer Systems Newsletter o CSY Specialist News o Customer Support News o Field support kits o HP Teamline Best Practices for HP 3000 o Networks/Consulting Process and Best Practices o NMC Network Support Newsletter o Performance Bulletin o Performance News Notes o PTC Online News o Sales information, for example, on the HP 3000, 1000, 9000 Series 300, 800, Model 8XX, networks, PCs, and peripherals o Service upgrade manuals o SUM Newsletter (commercial and technical) o Who's Who in Support For more information contact Kim Kreutzer at 408 or Telnet 691-5376. Format/access: Compact disc (CD ROM) To order InfoROM, use the order form found in the InfoROM Autoinfo, subject: "US ORDER" for the Americas and Asia Pacific, subject: "EURORDER" for Europe. There is $50 charge for the set-up kit, and a subscription charge of $200 per year in the Americas and Asia Pacific, $648 per year in Europe. Source: Radio HP Target audience: For CSO sales force and U.S. value-added businesses; secondary audience is factory- marketing management Frequency: Monthly Description: Radio HP a is monthly audio tape featuring high-level and topical information relevant to the commercial systems sales organization. Regular features include updates by Bill Murphy; HP 3000 and 9000 competitive information, sales success stories, VAB updates; and market and industry trend reports from Patricia Seybold. If you have additional questions or would like to participate in the program contact Sally Oliver/HP6650 via HP Desk or phone 408 or Telnet 447-1680. Format/access: Audio tape To add your name to the distribution list send an HP Desk message to Worldwide Roster/HP0000/53. Source: SalesLink Target audience: For CSO sales force Frequency: Monthly Description: Worldwide distribution of `Internal Use Only' sales literature for the HP 1000, 3000, 9000, and HP Apollo 9000. The mailing includes: price and sales guides, configuration guides and updates, Winning Combination Cards and updates, sales training audio tape (Radio HP), and workstation and systems value-added business catalogs. Note: SalesLink includes materials previously distributed through Momentum. ChanneLink, which contains most of the items distributed in SalesLink, is distributed to U.S. and Canadian value-added business sales contacts. For more information contact Marcia Nowicky/HP6650 via HP Desk or phone 408 or Telnet 447-1218. For more information on SalesLink contact Sally Oliver/HP6650 via HP Desk or phone 408 or Telnet 447-1680. Format/access: Hard copy To add your name to the distribution list of SalesLink send an HP Desk message to Worldwide Roster/HP0000/53. Source: Sales Literature Catalog Target audience: For HP employees Frequency: On-line system available daily, content updates as appropriate Description: Key-word search access to literature available through the Literature Distribution Center (LDC). Contact--for the name of your local `hub' literature coordinator contact LDC Customer Service at 408 or Telnet 534-5600. Format/access: Electronic To access system directly, contact the Atlanta Technology Center Help Desk (Telnet 850- 2400) and ask for `lookup' logon string. Source: SBDS Newsletter Target audience: For Customer Engineers (CE) servicing Service Bay Diagnostic Systems (SBDS) Frequency: Monthly Description: For the Americas only. SBDS is a personal computer based system designed to diagnose electronic problems in cars built by Ford Motor Company. This newsletter provides technical and general information about the SBDS product and program to CEs that service this equipment in the field. For information regarding article format restrictions and deadlines contact Gale Salwocki/HP2200 via HP Desk. Format/access: Electronic via HP Desk Source: Selling Against the Competition binder Target audience: For CSO sales force Frequency: Updated as needed Description: Binder provides competitive computer information on Sun Microsystems, DEC, IBM, and more. The binder includes corporate profiles, company strategies, sales organizations, strategic products and solutions, and competitive tactics. For more information contact Cynthia Kumanchik/HP6650 via HP Desk or phone 408 or Telnet 447-6358. Format/access: Hard copy, electronic via HP Desk (includes both ASCII and Proposal Generation System formats) To receive a hard copy of the binder send an HP Desk message to Worldwide Roster/HP0000/53. To access the information electronically send an HP Desk message `To: Competitive Hotline' and leave the `Subject:' and `Text:' prompts blank. You will receive an index of the information currently available on the hotline. Source: Service Note Supplement Target audience: For Systems Support Organization personnel, computer and peripheral Customer Engineers Frequency: Bimonthly Description: Service note includes post-sales service information fixes regarding computer and peripheral products. For more information contact Karen Herlth/HP5000 via HP Desk. Format/access: Hard-copy, electronic via InfoROM compact disc and the Knowledge Data Base (KDB) To receive a hard copy send an HP Desk message to Worldwide Roster/HP0000/53 and reference Roster publication code `CSN'. To order InfoROM, use the order form found in the InfoROM Autoinfo, subject: "US ORDER" for the Americas and Asia Pacific, subject: "EURORDER" for Europe. There is $50 charge for the set-up kit, and a subscription charge of $200 per year in the Americas and Asia Pacific, $648 per year in Europe. For more information contact Kim Kreutzer at 408 or Telnet 691-5376. To access KDB send an HP Desk message to KDB ADMIN/HP5003 or phone the KDB Hotline at 415 or Telnet 691-3945 to speak to a KDB administrator. Source: Software Leverage Tracking Management Reports Target audience: For management, order processing, financial analysts Frequency: Quarterly Description: Software leverage dollar report breakdown is detailed by value-added business and area headquarters. (Report information breakdown is also available by regions and areas typically used by management.) The report is distributed to indirect sales force U.S. Field Operations management, Canada, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and European Value- Added Management via Batchnet. For more information contact Linda Jean Jones/HP6650 via HP Desk or phone 408 or Telnet 447-1410. Format/access: Hard-copy To receive a copy of the report contact Linda Jean Jones/HP6650 via HP Desk or phone 408 or Telnet 447-1410. Source: Software Release Planning Material Target audience: For software engineers, district managers Frequency: Updated and distributed per software release Description: For the U.S., Canada, Latin America, and Asia Pacific only. Major system release information (pre-release) for HP 1000, 3000, and 9000 systems. Requires service contract. For more information contact the Software Replication Distribution Operation Field Information Center at 415 or Telnet 960-5800. Format/access: Hard copy To receive this information: o If you are part of an HP Division, contact your Software Replication Distribution Operation contract administrator. o If you are part of the field, contact your contract administrator. Slides are available on a one-time basis through placement of an Heart I2 order. Source: SOG Guide Target audience: For Sales Engineers and order processing for the CSO sales force Frequency: Annually Description: For Europe only. The Software Ordering (SOG) guide focuses primarily on HP 3000 software. Some principal products produced by Software Replication Distribution Europe such as the HP 1000 and 9000 and CD ROM are also mentioned. For more information contact Isabelle Ciadomo/HP6350 via HP Desk. Format/access: Hard copy To receive a copy of the guide contact Isabelle Ciadomo/HP6350 via HP Desk or the order processing coordinator in your local sales office. Source: SRDE News Target audience: For European field organization including: Professional Services Organization, Response Centre Organization, System Support Organization, sales, support marketing and administration Frequency: Distributed three times a year Description: For Europe only. Software Replication and Distribution Europe (SRDE) News is a magazine targeted primarily for HP employees. Contents include: editorials, original software business, and update software business. For information regarding article format restrictions and deadlines contact Veronique Chauvel/HP6350. Format/access: Hard copy, also distributed via Post Telephone and Telegraph To receive a copy of the magazine contact Veronique Chauvel/HP6350 via HP Desk or phone 6330-33-76-62-1517. Source: SRDO News Magazine Target audience: For HP field, divisions, and Software Replication Distribution Operation (SRDO) Frequency: Quarterly Description: For the U.S., Canada, Latin America, and Asia Pacific only. Magazine information includes structured plans and quality programs (for example, The Field Panel and customer visit feedback) for the HP 1000, 3000, and 9000, HP Apollo 9000, HP Vectra PCs, and select test and measurement products. For more information contact the SRDO Field Information Center at 415 or Telnet 960-5800. Format/access: Hard copy To add your name to the distribution list contact the SRDO Field Information Center at 415 or Telnet 960-5800. Source: SUM Newsletter--Europe Target audience: For support administration, Response Centre Organization, System Support Organization, Professional Services Organization Frequency: Bimonthly Description: For Europe only. The Software Update Management (SUM) newsletter covers platforms such as the HP 9000, MPE V, and MPE XI. It contains information related to update software business per product platform: timing, structure, technical features, distribution targets, and information on IBS contracts update. Technical articles are typically submitted to the Knowledge Data Base (KDB). The SUM Newsletter also appears on the Direct Information Access Network (DIANE). For more information contact Solange Caradec/HP6350 via HP Desk. Format/access: Electronic via DIANE and KDB database systems To receive a copy of the newsletter contact Solange Caradec/HP6350 via HP Desk. The DIANE system is accessible to terminal, PC, and workstation users via both X. 25 or Internet (TCP/IP) networks. To receive an individual logon string: o In Europe, contact the MSIS team at HPSA Geneva, Marketing and Sales Information Services, phone: 22-7808132 or 22-7808135, telex: 419019, telefax: 22-7808542 or via HP Desk: HPSA INFO-DISPATCH/HP1300/02 o In the U.S., contact Debbie Yoshida, DIANE system administrator, at 408 or Telnet 865-6471 or send a message to DIANE ADMIN/HP5050 via HP Desk To access KDB send an HP Desk message to KDB ADMIN/HP5003 or phone the KDB Hotline at 415 or Telnet 691-3945 to speak to a KDB administrator. Source: SUM Newsletter--U.S., Canada, Latin America, Asia Pacific Target audience: For Application engineering (AE) area managers, area application project center managers, area and country management, customer engineers, customer escalation center managers, district managers, field AE managers, region AE Managers, response centers, software engineers, Software Replication and Distribution Europe Frequency: Weekly Description: Software Update Management (SUM) Newsletter information includes: software HOLD/Off HOLD alerts, distribution status, and software obsolescence for the HP 1000, 3000, and 9000, HP Apollo 9000, HP Vectra PCs, and select test and measurement products. Article submissions should be sent to SRDO SUMNEWSLETTER/HP5006/05 via HP Desk. For information regarding article format restrictions and deadlines contact the SRDO Field Information Center at 415 or Telnet 960- 5800. Format/access: Electronic via HP Desk To add your name to the distribution list contact the Software Replication Distribution Operation (SRDO) Field Information Center at 415 or Telnet 960-5800. Source: VAB Accounts/SR Assignments Listing Target audience: For value-added business (VAB) reps in the CSO indirect sales force, district managers, area sales managers Frequency: Quarterly Description: For the U.S. only. Listing of VAB accounts and sales reps' assignments. For more information contact Linda Jean Jones/HP6650 via HP Desk. Format/access: Electronic, via HP Desk To receive a copy of the listing phone Bill Mitchell at 408 or Telnet 447-1088 or Mark Barbary at 408 or Telnet 447-1104. Source: WKSG Radio Target audience: For SF40 and workstation sales support personnel Frequency: Monthly Description: WKSG Radio is a monthly audio tape that provides listeners with up-to-date workstation product information. Side A includes competitive tips, information about and recognition of `big wins' or the top ten customer questions asked at the Americas Sales Center. Side B covers current software supplier information; interviews with value- added businesses are frequently included. Contact Paul Bemis/HPJ600 at 508-256-6600 extension 7831 or Telnet 256- 7831. Format/access: Audio tape To add your name to the distribution list send an HP Desk message to Worldwide Roster/HP0000/53, reference publication code `WKS'. Source: Winning Combination Cards Target audience: For CSO sales force Frequency: Updated quarterly Description: This quick reference sales tool is used in preparing for sales calls, customer conversations, and presentations. Index headings include: Corporate Overview, Computer Strategy, Manufacturing, Engineering, Service Industries, HP NewWave Office, Information Management, Networking, Computer Systems, Workstations, Personal Computers, Workstations, Peripherals, Competition, Support, VABs, and Sales Resources. For more information contact Chere Andre/HP6650 via HP Desk or phone 408 or Telnet 447-1432. Europe produces a separate version of the Winning Combination Cards. For more information send an HP Desk message to Birgit Wolf/HPB200. Format/access: Hard copy, 7 1/2- by 9 1/2-inch binder; text and graphics are available on disk -- contact Chere Andre/HP6650 via HP Desk or phone 408 or Telnet 447-1432. Distributed worldwide via SalesLink. To add your name to the distribution list send an HP Desk message to Worldwide Roster/HP0000/53. Source: The WSY-East Field Support Newsletter Target audience: For Professional Services Organization, Response Center Organization Frequency: Bimonthly Description: Newsletter includes information on Domain and OSF-based systems For more information contact Barry Frishberg/HPJ600 via HP Desk. Format/access: Hard copy, electronic via the Knowledge Data Base (KDB), mspatch, and hpfcse To add your name to the distribution list send an HP Desk message to Worldwide Roster/HP0000/53 and reference Roster publication code `ASN'. To access KDB send an HP Desk message to KDB ADMIN/HP5003 or phone the KDB Hotline at 415 or Telnet 691-3945. P/N 5091-3402E January 1992